PEI Shananagans

I think i'm going to build a home in PEI after i make my first million. It was great to get out there to visit ol Simon and his friends and family. It's been about 2 years since he and I have wreaked havoc. I arrived to Ch'town after a grueling 5 hour bus ride. I actually don't mind long drives as long as i have music, my Nintendo DS and some reading material. Simon and his friend John picked me up from the bus station and then we drove around some more!
We ended up drinking on John's beach whilst we burned a few stacks of flyers. (which really make amazing burning material) We were at the beach until the sun came up, discussing a project that i hope works out. We put the fire out, and hopped boulder to b

The next morning / afternoon, we decided to get some brekky in Ch'town at 3 pm. This was my frist time in charlottetown, and I must say that i really enjoyed the atmosphere

We then decided to take in a game of golf upon arrival. We headed out to a really nice coarse and naturally brought our cervesa with us plus a micky of rum. Things started out alright, even though we forgot a score card. We just played for fun, no wagers on this round.
THEN, well things turned for the worse...or better depending on how you look at it. We only had enough time to play 9 holes...well really 8 because the darkness snuck up on us. There was absolutly nobody there, so Simon and I decided to play around on the power cart.
Eventually it was too dark to see the ball, so we had to call it a night, but overall it was a fun time, seeing how it was my first time out this year.

This war is angering me by the minute. I just read that Israel bombed my family's hometown, so i'm very nervous to read the news. I was hoping to keep politics out of this blog, but i can't help but to express my angst towards the right wing of Israel. I am also very upset at many articles that i'm reading about the US supporting Israel's war against Lebanese civilians. I will stop now as i could rant about this for ages. All i ask is that anyone reading this, please take the time to read about the atrocities that Israel is committing as we speak.
For now, enjoy a comedic clip of Simon and I driving the golf cart after a few wobbly pops.
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