Shiny Toy Guns - The Charming Chad Petree

I was fortunate enough to witness a jaw dropping exhibit of amazing talent at The Capital this weekend. Shiny Toy Guns ( ) a band from Oakland, California has been on tour all over North America for the past year or so. The band has quite a large fan base in the US and i'm sure many in Canada as well. I met Chad outside The Capital Bar on Saturday nite. He was training his voice preping for the show pacing back and fourth as i approached. I said "hello, are you in the band?" He said "yes i am" in a friendly greeting. I spoke with him for a few minutes and then he said, "hey, that's a cool shirt, is it suppposed to be an equalizer?" Then i responded "oh yes, but that's not the cool part". I turned my LED light shirt on, and he yelled in amazement! He kept yelling and singing into my shirt as the meter rose the louder he became! He enjoyed the shirt so much, that he brought me into his trailer to show the band and his 2 year old girl who said "shirt" at my shirt which was really cute. I asked Chad if it would be cool to interview him after the show for a video project that i'm working on and he said he'd do it.
After their set, i met up with Chad and asked if he plays foosball. His eyes lit up as he said "FUCK YES, I LOVE foosball!" So I had him over to my apartment with his wife Emily to conduct an interview whilst playing foosball. We played for the North American Championship and a stuffed baby monkey. After 3 intense matches, Chad took the title and the monkey. It was soooo much fun! After it was all said and done, he told me THAT was the best interview he's ever been in, and that every interview should be like that one. I will be editing the interview down to about 10 mins this week and posting it on youtube and this blog.
Shiny Toy Gun's Myspace
Wikipedia entry
Official Website
I shot this video at The Capital Bar with my friends cam, thanks Curtis!
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