Welcome to the Jungle
We have fun and games. This is my first entry of this blog, and I hope everyone enjoys it. Since it's Monday, and my brain is still trying boot up, I don't really have anything too exciting to report other than the events of this past weekend.

Friday night I headed to the Aitken Centre to watch the Monster Spectacular show which was really awesome to be quite honest. There were guys flying around on dirt bikes, performing strange and amazing tricks 40 feet high off of the ground. There was a 4 wheeler that had a jet engine on the back, monster trucks and the main show was this giant fire breathing dragon that ate cars! Overall it was a Monster Spectacular good time!

The show lasted close to 3 hours, and as exciting as it was, i was kinda glad to leave because all the fumes from the vehicles started to get to me. I got home and there were many people having a grand ol time playing ping pong in my living room. I took a really fun picture of the gang sitting on my roof later in the evening.
Saturday afternoon I headed over to the NB Film Co-Op to attend one of THE greatest workshops I've ever attended. The wonderful and amazing Chris Campbell opened my eyes to a world full of fun that I sorta knew about, but not in as great detail as he demonstrated. As he was showing us all of these interesting websites and free software, the dusty cogs in my head started to turn. I now have some ideas as to what I would like to do for a full time project because of this workshop that I am extremly glad that I attended.
Saturday nite was an alright evening as well. Friends came over, a few beers were consumed at the apartment, then we headed over to Jester's Court and Phoneix for drinks. Sunday was a lot of fun. My roomate / neighbour Natalie and I decided to bake my buddy Dave a birthday cake. We agreed on a war theme for the cake which suited the birthday boy for some odd reason. After a little bit of scrambling, we found the components needed to build this Vietnam looking battleground. We purchased some army men, licorice, cake mix, fake plants, and lil war-like dinky cars which we placed all over the battleground. Take note of the pools of blood that we created with the licorice, it really added a nice touch to the battleground! The war cake project was definatly worth the work, as everyone enjoyed it on the same level as Natalie and I did.

Finally, I must share this fun and exciting website about cats. The Infinite Cat Project has been running online for a couple of years i believe. Here's the rundown of the project (which i stole from the site) :
It all began innocently enough when a visitor to an Apple forum posted a picture
of his cat, Frankie, contemplating the beauty of a flower. Shortly
afterwards another user posted a picture of his cat bristling at the image of
Frankie on the monitor.The Infinite Cat Project is, simply, cats regarding cats regarding cats in an electronic milieu. If you like this web site then thank your lucky stars that the world is populated with cats, Macs, and people with wayyyy too much time on their hands.
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